In collaboration with other HGF centers and a large number of international partners DESY plans an international institute for applied and fundamental research in Germany. This facility will offer unique research possibilities in areas such as elementary particle physics, solid state physics, chemistry, material sciences, medical diagnostics and molecular biology. The current research and development for TESLA will lead to an integrated system test for a superconducting linac and a SASE FEL in the VUV and the soft X-ray regime (TESLA Test Facility).
For the FEL and linac operation electron beams of highest beam quality are necessary. Therefore DESY runs a development program for rf electron sources for optimizing the beam quality and operation parameters such as operation safety. In order to reach these goals it is indispensable that, besides further development of simulations and theoretical approaches, high quality measurements of the beam emittance are carried out. Experience shows that without an experimental program no significant progress can be expected.
This experimental program in interaction with the development of simulations and theoretical approaches should be realized at PITZ:
* dedicated test facility for rf guns and complete photo injectors at DESY Zeuthen
* obtain small transverse emittance and short bunch length for use in Free Electron Lasers (FEL)
andlinear colliders
* better understand physics of rf guns in order to have reliable predictions from simulations
* optimize rf gun and complete photo injector for FEL operation
* fully test the concept for the production of flat electron beams (much smaller vertical then
horizontaltransverse emittance)
* conditioning and test of optimized rf guns for subsequent use at TTF (click top right
on"Free-Electron Laser")
The production of first photo electrons is expected in autumn 2001.